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Exploratory February

In St. Louis, it's been a warm one so far. Today it hit 54. Although mostly scary, sun and nice weather makes the neighborhood wake up, which seriously gets my creative adrenaline running. It is in the dead of winter that I usually realize how much the sun stimulates. Perhaps it is that rise and fall that keep us grateful.

Here's what's up this month. Many of these are open for public involvement!

February 15 - I'm moderating my first panel, and nerding out. With the Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts (incredible resource!) I'm moderating "Crowdfunding School" where artists will share their experiences launching successfull funding campaigns. My art & marketing prowess collides! *pow!*

February 20 - Also in the public speaking vein, I've been asked to lead a "Community Art 101" workshop for Gateway Greening's Community Garden Summit, sharing some very basic tools/techniques that will help community members activate gardens as cultural hubs.

February 19-21 - I'll be taking part in an artist retreat called Joint Accounts, hosted at Paul Art Space by visiting resident artist Tori Abernathy. I'll be both a participating artist, and leading some workshops, including embodiment work, and some STL Improv Anywhere-inspired mischeif.

February 14 - This same week STL Improv Anywhere will be crafting VDay cards for strangers and distributing them throughough St. Louis. One of our most warm & fuzzy events of the year.

February 27 - I snuck it in there for the fans. The No Pants Metrolink Ride is on again this year, albeit belated. This year we've got a beach party theme, to make the dress code more accomodating for more people. We'll be ending at a flamingo-themed bowling alley, the cherry on top.

And Generally - this is a month of teaching 5 yoga classes a week! (I'm at Urban Breath, St. Louis Art Museum, and WashU Med School -- phew!) I've learned I love switching up the contexts in which I'm leading yoga, so this is fun to me, and hopefully not too exhausting.

I've also got a super exciting new collaboration coming up with some fellow performers and body-based artists. I should be able to announce it in the coming weeks.

I'm co-reseaching/authoring a new piece of writing that will be begin to unfold in the coming weeks. No clues to you yet.

Some other lovely meet-ups I'll be hosting include a monthly bruch & book exchange among female creatives, as well as my newly minted meet-up for recently married lassies. Fittin into my new pants..

At least it's a leap year?!

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